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Node.JS Web Frameworks

Best Node.js Frameworks For 2019

Node.js is a cross-platform runtime environment that is open source and is built on the Google Chrome V8 JavaScript engine. You can use the Node.js for developing server-side and all the networking applications. All the Node.js applications are coded in JavaScript and be executed within the Node.js runtime environment on any type of Operating Systems like ‘Windows’, ‘OS X’, and etc.

Is Node.js Framework?

As from the definition of the Node.js provided above, you can say this technology is not a framework but a runtime environment. Node.js contains a JavaScript interpreter and along with that, it increases the class library of the language by using new in-built classes to handle files and the network I/O. All this along the with the preference of asynchronous event-driven JavaScript runtime.

Some of the Node.js Frameworks

Here, you will get a variety of best Node.js frameworks for 2019. To know about them, follow the methods provided below.


The Express.Js is the Node.js framework, that many developers choose for its flexibility, speed, and minimalism. It contains a dynamic set of features for both mobile and web applications.

Features of the Express.Js

Get some of the features of the Express.Js framework here.

  • The Express.Js framework has ‘Model-View-Controller’ or ‘MVC’ architecture. Using this architecture, one can develop an organized web application.
  • This framework has a collection of routing libraries. All these libraries perform various web actions, on the basis of HTTP methods.
  • Express.Js also lets the users deliver big dynamic HTML pages. Along with that, this framework also lets you setup middlewares and then respond to the HTTP requests.
  • With this framework, users can build quality applications very easily and quickly. Basically, the Express.Js supports many template engines and also focus on performance.


Koa is another Node.Js web framework that is powerful and lightweight. This framework has been built by the same team that developed ‘Express.Js. to create robust web applications and APIs one can utilize Koa.Js. Taking advantage of the asynchronous functions, this framework lets the developers get rid of the callbacks and increase error handling. No middleware is present within the core Koa framework. It contains a bunch of functions that help to code servers quickly and easily.

Some Features of the Koa.Js Framework

Here, you will get some of the features in regard to the Koa.Js framework.

  • There are some handy functions that come by default along with this framework and perform normal tasks like, proxy-support, the freshness of cache and content negotiation.
  • Koa.Js framework has many customization options, using which developers may add various features into their applications.
  • Even this framework has support for await keywords that allows the users to manage their code in a neat way.


Sails.Js is just another MVC framework that presents quite similar features like the Express.Js. Since this framework offers compatibility, therefore, it is ideal to create many applications that are for the browsers. Some of the applications that can be made with this framework are such as real-time chat programs, dashboards, and multiplayer games. This framework has become popular, due to its capability to build data-driven APIs.

Features of the Sails.Js Framework

You will get some of the features here, for the Sails.Js Framework.

  • With many front-end platforms, Sails.Js framework is compatible. Thus, creators have much flexibility to develop applications using this framework.
  • This framework lets users use almost any type of database to associate with their applications. Due to the presence of Object Rational Mapping solution within the Sails.Js framework, almost all the datatypes can be used by the users.
  • Since Sails.Js supports the ‘Socket.IO’ library, thus this framework is chosen to develop many chat tools, social media applications and etc.
  • By using the Express.Js, the Sails.Js frameworks manage HTTP requests.


One can use the Hapi.Js framework for enterprise or commercial purposes. This framework is both an Open Source Framework to make web applications and also a server framework. The Hapi.Js framework is also used to create the Representational State Transfer APIs and many other software programs.

Features of Hapi.Js Framework to Look Out For

Get some of the good features for the Hapi.Js framework, here. So, go through them.

  • The users of the Hapi.Js framework can use it along with different database applications like MongoDB, Postgres, and MySQL to develop reliable websites.
  • As there is an availability of the JavaScript Templating Engine, thus delivering dynamic content has become easy.
  • Hapi.Js framework has a WebSocket adapter plugin called ‘nes’. This plugin lets users create social media and chat applications.
  • This framework has a huge plugin network, using which the users can add new features and fix their codes easily.


Meteor.Js is a full-stack framework, to create any kind of web and mobile applications. This framework has a collection of technologies like packages from the Node.Js community, a build tool, in order to make applications that are “connected-client reactive”.

Some of the Features for Meteor.Js Framework

Here, there will be features regarding the Meteor.Js framework.

  • With the Meteor.Js framework, you will get many modules that are coded already. Developers can use all these modules to create some really good web applications.
  • Using the Meteor.Js framework, the creators can use the same codes for multiple devices. This framework comes with a lightweight architecture having a few lines of code.
  • The performance of this framework is pretty quick as the same APIs are shared on both the client-side and server-side.
  • The Meteor.Js framework provides you with choices to utilize any platform like Angular, Cordova, Vue and etc.